Limited Run Games Showcase Coming On June 6

If June is shaping up to be too heavy on modern video game announcements for your taste, then the Limited Run Games Showcase will likely be the retro event that you'll want to tune in for.

Limited Run regularly releases newer and fancier versions of classic games and will livestream its third annual showcase on Monday, June 6 at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET on its Twitch channel.

Joining the group will be Mega64, the Internet comedy group responsible for a slightly inaccurate retelling of how the original PlayStation console was made. Limited Run Games says that it will have over 30 game trailers and physical release reveals of its collector’s editions, in-chat giveaways, and more.

The company is also celebrating the recent launch of its first physical video game retail store the free digital release of the Limited Run Retail: Songs To Shop To soundtrack on Spotify.

The Limited Run Games Showcase comes during a busy week for the gaming industry, as it's sandwiched right between Netflix Geeked Week, Summer Game Fest Live, and tonight's PlayStation State of Play.

To keep up to date with everything that's going down during Not-E3 month, you can click the link for a full schedule of these many events.

from GameSpot - Game News

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