Former Bayonetta voice actor Hellena Taylor has elaborated on her original series of videos and claims regarding her absence from Bayonetta 3’s lead VO role, which appears to confirm findings made by Jason Schrier at Bloomberg last week. This includes confirmation that she was indeed offered $15,000 initially, rather than the originally implied $4,000 figure.
This update comes from a Twitter thread posted to the actor’s Twitter, in which she states that she “feels the need to defend myself and my reputation”. She states that the claim she was offered $4,000 for five sessions were “total fabrications”, as well as continues to encourage supporters to boycott Bayonetta 3 as it nears its October 28 release date.
This statement, seemingly trying to refute claims made by Bloomberg, seems if nothing else to corroborate the reporting. One point in the piece, which claims that she asked for a six figure payout for work on the game, seems to be faux-disputed by Talyor, who states that she had been informed of ridiculous fictions, such as I asked for 250,000 dollars”, a figure not reported on by Bloomberg.
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